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If good science is about storytelling, our bioinformatic tools often take us in the complete opposite direction. We grasp at UMAP embeddings and heatmaps trying to find something significant, or we simply outsource the analysis to someone else. TerraFlow gives agency back to the scientist with a plain-English report anyone can pick up and instantly understand.


Complete cellular profiling

Ever wonder what you’re missing in your data? Our exhaustive approach detects cell types routinely ignored by traditional methods, allowing scientists to extract new insights from the data they already have.


Crystal clear phenotypes

TerraFlow defines each population with a simple gating path like GITR+PD1+ or CCR7+CD95+. It then uses ChatGPT-enabled technology (FlowGPT) to explain how each protein combination relates to your disease of interest.


On demand answers

Upload data, label patient groups, and hit “Submit”. In 24 hours you’ll get back a complete immuno-phenotyping report. It’s that easy.

Still clustering your data?

You may be leaving your biggest breakthroughs on the table

See how TerraFlow compares to traditional methods like FlowSOM and UMAP

Phenotypes evaluatedNoneTensTens of thousands
Cell annotationVisual inspectionCluster MFIsExplicit gating strategies
TuningTune multiple parametersAnticipate number of clustersNo tuning necessary
RandomnessDifferent results every timeDifferent results every timeSame results every time
Use caseVisualize dataIdentify major subtypesDefine disease-associated cell types

Phenotypes evaluated

TerraFlowTens of thousands

Cell annotation

UMAPVisual inspection
FlowSOMCluster MFIs
TerraFlowExplicit gating strategies


UMAPTune multiple parameters
FlowSOMAnticipate number of clusters
TerraFlowNo tuning necessary


UMAPDifferent results every time
FlowSOMDifferent results every time
TerraFlowSame results every time

Use case

UMAPVisualize data
FlowSOMIdentify major subtypes
TerraFlowDefine disease-associated cell types

Our Promise

TerraFlow is the first platform built for disease immunophenotyping. If there’s a disease signature in your data, our platform will find it and deliver clear, replicable, disease-specific phenotypes every time.

Dan Freeman

Chief Executive Officer, TerraFlow

With your own eyes

We'll email you a sample report from our recent paper on Hodgkin Lymphoma

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the terraFlow platform